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Zelenskyy’s Goliath

Zelenskyy’s Goliath

I woke up this morning thinking about a lecture I once gave years before the Ukrainian war even began! I believe it is so timely and applicable to what is going on with the Ukraine and President Zelenskyy!  The lecture was titled “What is Your Goliath?”

The subject matter covers the story of David in I and II Samuel.  David was the youngest of nine brothers.  He was a shepherd.  He was musically talented.  And even though he was unaware, he was about to be anointed to be the next king of Judah and then eventually all of Israel!

The similarities of David’s story and Zelenskyy’s story are startling!  David was a musician.  Zelenskyy was a comedian and he can sing!.  Like David, Zelenskyy was the most unlikely candidate to be the President of Ukraine!  He was not a politician.

Samuel was sent to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king.  After interviewing eight brothers, Samuel heard the Lord speak..”But The Lord said to Samuel,”Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”   (I Samuel 16:7)

Samuel anoints David because the Lord saw David’s heart!  As David’s future begins to unfold, he faces many “Goliaths” that prepare him to become the next king of Judah and eventually all of Israel.

Zelenskyy is facing his “Goliath”; Russia!  It seems an impossible task to defeat such a large and powerful nation.  But Zelenskyy has shown the same courage and heart as David did when David defeated Goliath!  Goliath was bigger, more experienced, and militarily better equipped!  Zelenskyy has heart and courage and that is all God needs to equip Zelenskyy to take down Russia!

David defeated Goliath by using his sling shot and delivering a single fatal blow to Goliath’s head!  Later, like Zelenskyy,  David evaded the many assassination attempts on his life by a jealous and egotistical King Saul!  But in God’s timing, Saul was defeated and David rose to power as King of Judah and then eventually all of Israel!

Does it make you wonder with an entire world praying, that it is possible Zelenskyy has been anointed president of all Ukraine AND Russia because he has such courage and such a devoted heart to his people?

May God keep a hedge of protection over Zelenskyy!  May God give the people of Russia and the Ukraine a man with a heart like Zelenskyy to lead, to shepherd, and to care for them!

Power is an illusion!  God is in control!  God anoints!  God’s plan prevails!  Keep praying for Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine!

I would love to hear your comments!  What is your Goliath?  What do you need to overcome to be what God called you to be?


Janice Bobanis

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